14 October 14 5 tips to awesome website copy.

  • Published in Design

1. Understand how people read online.

The majority of people don’t read online – they scan the page looking for the information they need. Text that waffles on doesn’t grab the attention of your readers, whereas concise copy tells your customers about your business, product or service, and directs them to take action.

2. Keep it simple.

No one will ever complain that your writing is too easy to understand. So, when you write consider your reader. Strip back redundant words and phrases. Let each word earn its place. Be active, not passive.

3. Finding your voice.

Your ‘voice’ is the tone you use to communicate with your audience. It gives your brand or business its authority. It helps build trust. It can persuade your customers to engage with your business. And, above all, it’s expression of the ‘human’ behind your brand.

4. A word about word counts.

Rather than focusing on word count, ask yourself:

  • Is my text readable?
  • Does it convey everything I need to say?
  • Is it actionable?

If the answer is yes, then remember: “Don’t worry about word count. Worry about making your words count.”

5. It’s not about you.

The key thing to remember when writing copy is this: It’s about your audience, not you. Write for your audience and give them the information they need in a clear, digestible format, personalised to their needs.

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